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- E! for Windows - Version 2.0
- (copyright MainSoft sarl 1992, 1995)
- release 2.02
- ____________________________
- ********************************************************
- * ATTENTION USERS OF E! for Windows 1.xx: *
- ********************************************************
- This package contains a fully functional copy of E! for Windows, a
- text editor primarily designed for programmers and that will be also
- a great help for any Microsoft Windows (tm) user who has to deal
- with text files.
- E! for Windows is a very powerful product that has a very large
- number of features. We hope that you'll be as much excited about
- this new version as we are.
- E! is distributed as a User Supported Software (shareware). This
- means that it is no free or Public Domain software but that you may
- give it a try before purchasing it. Please read the licence
- agreement contained in LICENCE.TXT.
- If you use this software regularly, you have to pay the registration
- fee otherwise you have to stop using E! after the 60-day trial
- period and to uninstall it. Registered users will receive a printed
- documentation, the E! for Windows API documentation and will benefit
- from a FAX hot-line. The API is undocumented in the unregistered
- version although sample Extension DLLs are provided. Registered
- users will also receive a registration code allowing to get rid of
- the reminder dialog box and to disable the CRC verification.
- As mentioned above, the API Documentation is reserved for registered
- users. However, not having this documentation will not prevent you
- from using Extension DLLs written by registered programmers or
- distributed by us.
- Technical questions about E! may be sent to the following Compuserve
- userid:
- Patrick Philippot, MainSoft (the author) : 72561,3532
- OR
- uploaded to the CIS IBMAPP LIB 1 or CIS WINSHARE LIB 2 fora which are
- the only fora that we scan daily for questions about E!.
- OR
- faxed to MainSoft sarl, France:
- +33 1 69 40 94 85
- Questions related to distribution and registration should be faxed
- to the following number in Karlsruhe, Germany:
- +49 721 37 38 42
- Registration information is contained in the help file (EW.HLP).
- To print the registration form, just go the "Registering" topic
- from the "Contents" window of the help file. Then select the
- relevant registration form for your country. Click on the "Print"
- button to print the order form.
- Have fun using E!.
- ____________________________
- ****************************************************************************
- If you have downloaded E! installation as a ZIP file, please be sure to unpack
- it using the -d option (PKUNZIP -d). Otherwise, the required subdirectories
- will not be created and installation will fail.
- E! for Windows should always be installed from an installation diskette. The
- installation program does some initial setup and you may run into trouble if
- you merely copy the unarchived files to your disk. We do not support versions
- not installed from an original, unmodified installation diskette.
- If you give the program to others, please give an unmodified installation
- diskette (as described below). You may not give away a registered copy of E!
- for Windows or a copy of the API documentation.
- ****************************************************************************
- Installation Requirements:
- - A system running Windows 3.1 or a later version
- (E! also runs in the WIN-OS/2 environment)
- - At least 4 MB RAM
- - At least 2.5 MB free hard disk space
- - A 640x480 display adapter (not recommended) or better
- - A color (recommended) or monochrome monitor
- In order to make the distribution package as small as possible, it
- is assumed that all DLLs specific to Windows 3.1 and especially
- VER.DLL and SHELL.DLL are present on your system and reside in a
- directory declared in the PATH statement of your AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- The installation program will copy CTL3DV2.DLL (a Microsoft DLL) to
- your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory or to the directory of your system
- where it's already installed unless the installed version is newer
- than the one we distribute. If, when launching E!, you get a message
- complaining that CTL3DV2.DLL is not correctly installed, this means
- that there are multiple copies of CTL3DV2.DLL on your disk. This DLL
- doesn't accept multiple copies. You should have only one copy of
- this DLL, either in the \WINDOWS directory or in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- directory.
- Please copy all the files in this archive to a single diskette (1,2
- MB or 1,44 MB format) and keep the sub-directory structure
- unmodified (you can use xcopy /e /s or you can run EWARC2.EXE from
- the diskette directly - however, the unarchived files cannot reside
- on the same diskette as EWARC2.EXE).
- To install, launch Windows (version 3.1 is required), enter
- "a:install" at the File|Run prompt of the Program Manager and follow
- the instructions.
- Normally, the installation program will create a new group for E!.
- However, this operation may fail if you are running Norton Desktop
- for Windows. NDW has a bug and doesn't emulate the Program Manager
- interface correctly. We use a work-around to circumvent this problem
- but it may not work on your system.
- You'll be asked whether you want the installation program to add E!
- related data to the Registration Database (REG.DAT). If you click Ok,
- associations will be created for the following extensions:
- .c .h .cpp .hpp .pas .inc .txt .asm .prg
- Once this have been done, the Print and Edit commands of the File
- Manager will call ew.exe if you have selected a file with one of
- these extensions.
- If you skip this step, you'll be able to add the same information
- to REG.DAT later by running the following command:
- regedit /s x:\ew\ew.reg
- EW.REG will be created in any case. It's an ASCII file, so you can
- modify it if you want before running the above command. EW.REG is
- not a part of the distribution disk. It is created dynamically to
- take the directory path were you actually installed E! into account.
- Once E! for Windows has been installed, please read the documentation
- (EW.WRI) at least once (even rapidly). This will give you a good feeling
- about the fundamentals of E!. We have tried to make this documentation as
- complete and as short as possible. If you decide to print EW.WRI, please
- note that it has been paginated for the A4 format.
- Please read EWFEXT.C to learn how to install a File Manager Extension
- DLL supporting E!. This process applies to any Windows shell emulating
- the File Manager behavior (e.g. Norton Desktop for Windows).
- Almost all files in this package are compressed. If you don't use
- the installation program or you need to copy one of the original
- files onto your hard disk, use the EXTRACT.EXE utility located on
- the diskette and in your EW directory.
- Command Description
- ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- /U[:DESTINATION] Unpack files to destination.
- /L:ARCHIVE List files in archive.
- /Q Quiet mode - only error messages are displayed.
- /? Display this message.
- Wildcards are permitted. Brackets, "[ ]", specify optional items. You
- don't need to specify a destination filename because it's already
- contained in the archive file.
- _______________
- Please read VENDOR.TXT.
- Please also read the Licence Agreement. Disk Vendors may not charge
- more than $5 (or its equivalent in local currency) for a diskette
- containing the installation files of E! for Windows. Also, E! for
- Windows may not be distributed on diskettes containing other
- products unless instructions are given describing how to build an
- installation diskette from the distributed disk.
- Any vendor willing to market and distribute E! in its own country
- should contact
- Juergen Egeling Computer
- Werderstr. 41, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Tel: +49 (0721) 373832
- Fax: +49 (0721) 373842
- ___________________________
- Distribution, Registration and Hot Line are also managed by JEC
- in Europe.
- Juergen Egeling Computer
- Werderstr. 41, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Tel: +49 (0721) 373832
- Fax: +49 (0721) 373842
- BBS: +49 (0) 721 37 46 25 2400-19200 8N1 24h
- Official EW BBS. Newest Version online!
- email: fft@jecalpha.ka.sub.org
- In the USA please get in touch with
- HomeBrew Software
- 807 Davis Street
- Suite E
- Vacaville, CA 95687
- (707) 451-9653 Voice
- (707) 451-2500 FAX
- In France please contact
- MainSoft sarl
- 15, avenue des Pres Pierre
- 91210 Draveil
- Tel: +33 1 69 40 94 85
- Fax: +33 1 69 40 94 85
- e-mail: CIS 72561,3532
- 72561.3532@compuserve.com
- Currently the software is only available in English while the
- documentation is available in English, French and German.
- In the near future, we may release fully localized versions. In
- particular, we may experiment a full French version rather quickly (if we
- have enough registrations in french speaking countries). Specific
- problems related to the french language will be handled by MainSoft
- directly. Please get in touch with us if you have special needs in this
- area.
- If you are interested in participating in the localization of E! for your
- own country, please get also in touch with us. We have designed E! in
- such a way that resources are in a separate DLL. So, localization should
- be rather easy.
- ____________________________________________________
- Please see MOREDOC.TXT
- ________________________________
- If you have a Compuserve account, online registration is possible. GO
- SWREG and use program id #586. You'll receive your registration code
- within two days by e-mail and the printed documentation by mail.
- Otherwise, please fill in the registration form (found in EW.HLP) and
- mail it or fax it to one of the mailing addresses mentioned below. We
- can't manage upgrades through SWREG, sorry.
- You can also register online by calling the JEC BBS. See below.
- If you have made a first installation, the Order Form can be loaded
- from the User Menu.
- __________________
- Technical notes will give you immediate information about specific
- problems arising when using E! in certain environments or in
- conjunction with other programs like compilers. Technical Notes are
- distributed with the full package or the upgrade packages.
- __________
- Information about updates can be obtained from the above mentioned
- FAX number.
- Updates or fixes may be distributed as patches. We distribute a copy
- of Pocket Soft's PATCH.EXE (the program used to apply these patches)
- with the full package. We will NOT upload PATCH.EXE along with the
- patches themselves. Please keep PATCH.EXE in a safe place to be able
- to use it when necessary.
- _________________________
- There are changes in E! 2.0 that you must consider before installing:
- 8.1 In order to support big files, we had to make some changes to
- the API. EWD files compiled for EW 1.xx are not compatible with E!
- 2.0 and you should not try to use them. We provide replacement files
- for the sample EWDs. Your own Extension DLLs just have to be
- recompiled using the new include file (EWAPI2.H) or the new import
- unit (EWAPIMP2.PAS). That's all. So, we recommend that you do not
- autoload EWDs until they have been recompiled.
- 8.2 The installation program will automatically translate your
- existing associations to the new layout in EW.INI. However, if you
- are using alternate .INI files you'll have to convert the
- associations manually. Dont' worry, it's easy. Associations were
- defined in the [system] section. They are now located in the
- [associations] section.
- In version 1.xx the layout of each association entry was as follows:
- ext=Keyboard Menu CompilerSet ExpansionSet LoadMethod SaveMethod
- The new layout of version 2.0 is as follows:
- ext=Keyboard Menu ExpansionSet LoadMethod SaveMethod HDFName
- Associations between filename extensions and Compiler Command Sets
- are now useless and no longer exist. HDFName is the name of the
- Highlighting Definition File that should be used with files having
- the "ext" extension.
- So, you only have to delete the third token in each existing
- association entry. Use the Associations Dialog Box to add the
- HDFName if necessary or add it directly if you want.
- 8.3 The installation program will also add default filters.
- ([filters] section) to EW.INI. You can copy this information to your
- alternate .INI files if necessary.
- 8.4 It is no longer necessary to add the \EW and \EW\USER directories
- to your PATH, provided you leave all DLLs and EWX.EXE in the \EW
- directory. The Extension DLLs (.EWD) must reside in your USER
- directory.
- ________________________
- We provide various sample Extension DLLs with E!. Although you do
- not have access to the API documentation in this shareware version,
- you can however use Extension DLLs (EWDs). These DLLs are used to
- provide additional functions to E! or to modify the built-in behavior
- of E!. All Sample DLLs (except VCHOOK) are provided with source code,
- either in Pascal or in C. The documentation for each EWD is provided
- in the source file. Here is a list of all provided EWDs:
- ansioem.ewd An ANSI/OEM Conversion Tool
- beginend.ewd An Extension to the Search Matching Brace
- function for the Pascal language
- clearini.ewd A simple way to clear Local Options
- counter.ewd A sample DLLs counting words and character in
- the current text.
- vchook.ewd A gateway between E! and Visual C++ Workbench(tm)
- mulhelp.ewd Two EWDs to support multiple help files.
- mulhelp2.ewd
- backtab.ewd An extension to the Tab function.
- selword.ewd A sample EWD showing how to create a new
- function.
- localopt.ewd A sample EWD showing how to modify Local
- Options
- toglcase.ewd A handy function inverting the case of all
- characters in the current word.
- ewfext.ewd A File Manager Extension DLL.
- prjpick.ewd A pick list for your project files.
- begendtx.ewd A TeX specific extension.
- briefkey.ewd An extension emulating the Home/end keys of Brief(tm)
- You are encouraged to write your own EWDs. With the E! API you can
- write sophisticated EWDs which could be sold as a package dedicated
- to the support of any language or environment. There are no
- royalties bound to the distribution of packages based on the E! API.
- Please note that we also have a toolkit for interfacing with E! from
- Visual Basic programs. See EWVB.ZIP.
- Last but not least, we now also have a library allowing to interface
- with E! from WinCmd, a Windows batch utility published by PC Magazine
- (a trademark of Ziff-Davis). See EWCLIB.ZIP
- ___________
- People who helped in this new project are mentioned in the "Credits"
- dialog box (Help Menu). Many thanks to all of them.
- _________________________
- If your company needs a special version of E! (for example you want to
- use E! as a front-end for a special compiler of your own), we can
- write it. Just get in touch with your dealer (MainSoft, Homebrew or
- JEC) and we'll make you a proposal.
- 12. About MainSoft sarl
- _______________________
- MainSoft is a french software company created by Patrick Philippot,
- the author of this software. MainSoft specializes in Windows
- software development, consulting and technical support to
- developers. We also have some experience in software localization
- (french). You can get in touch with us at the following address:
- MainSoft sarl
- 15, avenue des Pres Pierre
- 91210 Draveil
- France
- tel/fax: +33 1 69 40 94 85
- Currently, the distribution of EW is managed in the USA and Canada by
- HomeBrew Software
- 807, DAvis Street
- Suite E
- Vacaville, CA 95687-5515
- (707) 451-9653 Voice
- (707) 451-2500 FAX
- by Juergen Egeling Computer (for other countries with exception of France)
- Juergen Egeling Computer
- Werderstr. 41, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Tel: +49 (0721) 373832 / Fax: +49 (0721) 373842
- email: fft@jecalpha.ka.sub.org
- _____________________________________________
- If you don't have a Compuserve account, you can dowload the newest
- version of E! for Windows from the following servers:
- Germany: JEC BBS (area EW20)
- +49 721 37 46 25 (19200 and less, N,8,1)
- 24h a day
- You can use this BBS to register online, ask for support or talk
- with other EW users.
- OR
- Internet: FTP : OAK.OAKLAND.EDU (
- /pub/msdos/windows3
- /SimTel/Win3/editor
- OR
- USA: Software Creations
- 1200/2400 V.42/MNP Lines : (508) 365-2359
- 2400-14.4k HST US Robotics Lines : (508) 368-7036
- 2400-16.8k V.32/V.42bis US Robotics lines : (508) 368-7139
- 14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.fc Hayes Optima lines: (508) 365-9352
- 14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.32terbo/V.fc US Robotics lines: (508) 368-3424